About Us

The American Campaign Finance Foundation is a nonprofit foundation helping candidates for public office provide the public with accurate and timely information about their campaign contributions and expenditures. The Foundation engages in the training of, and provides assistance to, political committees and their treasurers regarding local, state and federal campaign finance laws and regulations in the interest of the general public.

ACFF services include training candidates and staff, providing oversight of fundraising and political committee reporting activity — regarding local, state and federal campaign finance laws and regulations. Special attention and often direct supervision of duties assigned to volunteer committee treasurers is an especially important service offered by ACFF. We not only provide classroom-style seminars and instruction, but serve as an ongoing, hands-on resource to individuals and committees engaged in political activity.

If you are running for office or just want to create a political committee, please contact us for more information so we can ensure you get started on the right track.